Nurses Love the SmrtMugg Heated Coffee Mug

That last sentence sounds like the pitch of a horror movie that would haunt my dreams for weeks, but yes we know cold coffee is a huge problem. That’s why our number one goal with the SmrtMugg was a product that enabled busy people to have their coffee at the ideal temperature, and a product that had an awesome battery life. With the all day battery life of the SmrtMugg Travel Mug, we feel like we’ve achieved our goal! And it is absolutely amazing to hear feedback from our customers about how they are using their SmrtMugg to enhance their lives.
A recent SmrtMugg customer posted the following: “Amazing cup! My husband purchased this for me to take to work…I’m a nurse and this cup keeps my coffee warm the entire 12 hr shift.”
That’s awesome to hear! We all know how hard nurses work during the day….and night….and sometimes into the following day as well. Nurses are some of the hardest working people we know, and without them the entire healthcare industry would come crumbling down. And we hate that nurses don’t receive the recognition they deserve. Especially during the pandemic, being insanely short-handed and still getting the job done.
We are glad we can contribute in any small way to help our nurses and healthcare workers get through their day with some warm coffee when/if they ever get a chance to sit down and take a break.
But here’s to the nurses and all healthcare workers, our hats are off to you. You not only work unbelievably hard every single day, but you save countless lives in the process!
If you are a nurse or healthcare worker, or buying SmrtMugg as a gift for one, use the promo code HEALTHCARE 15 to receive $15 off your order of a SmrtMugg travel mug or a SmrtMugg Pro.